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Foam Pillow

Buying The Best Foam Pillow

An important but often overlooked element of any good, comfortable bed is the pillow. With recent advances in the manufacturing process it is worth doing a quick summary of the types of foam pillow which you will find on sale now.foam-pillow_002

Three Types Of Pillow

1. Memory foam pillow – conventional shape. It may take you a while to get used to sleeping on a memory foam pillow even if you choose a traditionally shaped one. These are firmer than most pillows of other types and you can either choose low profile models, which give a slightly softer pillow, or high profile ones which are bigger and firmer as well. If you already have a memory foam mattress then you will have an idea what to expect in terms of firmness and comfort.foam-pillow_001

2. Memory foam pillow – contoured shape. This is similar to the previous model except for that fact that the pillow is shaped in such a way as to leave a dip in it where you can rest your head. It is sometimes claimed that this type of pillow can help cure snoring problems, by helping the air flow more freely through your nose and mouth, although hard, scientific evidence on this is hard to come by.

3. Latex foam pillow. If you are using an organic mattress for every allergy or environmental reasons then it makes sense to use natural, anti allergenic pillows too.foam-pillow_003

As with all types of beds and mattresses, it can be difficult to work out if a model suits you just by looking at a few pictures on an Internet vendor site. As foam pillows are substantially less expensive than mattresses you may be tempted to just buy one to see how it works out. As a set of 2 memory foam pillows will generally cost somewhere between $40 and $80 this isn’t a huge gamble. However, it is still worth trying to get hold of one to try out first, or buy from a site which offers a trial period.

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